
Plant Varieties

Variedades VegetalesThe improvement of plant varieties is an activity that has great importance for the economy of a country as well as its agricultural development. The special features that define this modality exclude their protection through traditional IP modalities (such as inventions) and require ad hoc protection.

Nowadays it is possible to obtain an exclusive right on a plant variety with different territorial scope, being able to make national registries, in Spain before the Spanish Office of Plant Varieties or European, before the EU Office of Plant Varieties.

In Abril Abogados we have specialists who will advise you and help you obtaining the registration of plant varieties, assisting our clients in all stages of the procedure.

In advance we inform the interested party about the most accurate strategy to follow in order to obtain the registration and to successfully complete the examinations.

Once overcome the first examination, the technical testing phase will take place through the cultivation of the plant variety and / or any other investigation deemed necessary during the period required by the variety in question. Once this phase is achieved, if the registration is granted the plant variety will be valid for a range of 25 and 30 years depending on the concerned variety, and annuities must be made to maintain the registration of the plant variety.